June 6-August 9th. One work included in North of the 45th at the Devos Art Museum, Marquette, Michigan (Northern Michigan University)
April 21st, 2016. Field Projects, an artist-run project space in NYC, features two paintings on their blog
November 7-December 5, 2015. One painting in This From There at Circa Gallery, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Juror: Christopher Atkins
February 6-May 21, 2016. Two works included in Art on the Plains XII at the Plains Art Museum, Fargo, North Dakota. Juror: Aaron Spangler
September 3-October 4, 2015. Structural Dissonance at TuckUnder Projects, Minneapolis, Minnesota
April 30, 2015. Abstraction in Action reviewed by Mary Abbe in the Minneapolis Star Tribune
April 27, 2015. Abstraction in Action featured in the Sun Sailor newspaper
April 23-May 14, 2015. Four works included in Abstraction in Action at Minnetonka Center for the Arts, Minnetonka, Minnesota